Guten Morgan (Good Morning)
This morning our family read in Psalm 139: 1-14 that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. So we will embrace who we are and focus on the strengths God has given us. As we walked down the streets of Bad Tolz the girls skipped along, arm in arm without a care in the world, oblivious to the many stares and smiles from strangers. I guess a strength we carry with us is happiness or simply contentment in just being together.
Ordering food and interacting with people have allowed us to practice some very basic German phrases. I feel so goofy when the words tumble out of my mouth and land on humored ears. I keep telling myself the same thing, “It will be okay, you’ll never see these people again.” Hopefully that won’t catch up with me later. Actually most people giggle and then try their English on me. I had to act out “grocery store” this morning because I forgot my little translator book. “Schpreken Sie English?” (Do you speak English?) Is what I asked a clerk in a toy store, in which she responded, “A little.” By the time I was done with my song and dance about needing directions to a grocery store a couple people had gathered around to watch. Hey, I got my answer and the family got fed. I bet you’re all trying to act out grocery store now, aren’t you?
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