We were stir crazy from being in the house with three days of illness and we were ready to get out! Dennis and I were so excited to fulfill one of the girls' biggest dreams of zip-lining. We found Jungle-Trek, a zip-liner's heaven, just 20 minutes away.
The girls had a training session learning about safety and when and how to attatch each of the carabiners and pullies. I was surprised after 15 minutes the trainer set them free into a forest with a myriad of zip lines and other obstacle course type adventures.
Annie hooking up. The trainer was so impressed with her that he allowed her to go on to the adult circuit. Way to go Annie!
The girls heading up the trail to the more extensive circuits.
Indi, "Look Ma, no hands."
Ireland contemplates the longest line of the park, 160 meters.
Ireland disappears into the forest.
Annie waving down to us. |
Wow! This is SO amazing! Right up there in the tree tops, so close to God! Zip-a-dee-YAY!