Friday, October 28, 2011

Tarragona, Spain

We spent a day wandering around Tarragona without much direction when our lodging was in limbo.  We made the most of our day, walking 9 miles in total. 

Raleigh kept us quite entertained.  He wouldn't pass a shopkeeper without saying "Hello, Ciao, Jorno or Hola."  When Raleigh isn't on his dad's back he makes for slow travel.  He straddles anything resembling a horse, peeks in every window and investigates every hole.  He is an explorer of the many interesting things the average person wouldn't take the time to notice.  He acknowledges every person regardless of socioeconomic status or color and values their responses.  Perhaps I will take a lesson from my small friend.


  1. Bly - I LOVE your last entry about Raleigh. It is SO true. Oh that all adults could keep things simple like a child. In this fast paced world, where all the electronic gadgets are supposed to make our lives easier, they actually complicate them and control us more. I had a daycare in my home for 26 years and could probably write a book, sharing all the cute, innocent things the kids said and did. I always loved their simple, curious, non-judgmental ways, noticing every bug, pebble, cloud shapes in the sky, etc. Oh that all adults could continue to have a child's innocence and acceptance of all people and things. Bly, I will say it again - you should be a writer. You share the facts and also your feelings that make us all think. You are a neat person, and Shannon is lucky to have a sis like you! BTW - LOVE Raleigh looking down that grate - talk about innocent curiosity!!

  2. Trick or treated @ your Mom & Dad's house & got to missing you. I needed to just see your sweet face. I love all your pictures. The girls are all beautiful, my how the years fly by. Raleigh looks like a miniature Bly. Little stinker. I hope you are all well.
    Love ya!

  3. Aaron,
    I thought of you your whole birthday week and how thankful I am for you and our wonderful memories. Love ya tons!
