Friday, October 14, 2011

Trusting Him in Tirrenia

I'm writing  this from the crisp, white sheets of a hotel room.  It is such a treat to have fresh towels every morning, our beds made and a huge selection of breakfast choices waiting for us when we get up.

God gave us the courage to follow our gut instinct and walk away from the house we had planned to rent for the coming week.  We left not knowing where we were going but we both felt confident that He would guide us.  We had planned for me to spend the day at an internet cafe looking for lodging while Dennis took the kids to the beach but God had other plans.  When the internet wasn't working at the cafe we stumbled upon a lovely hotel that had wifi. Dennis discovered they had a great off-season rate for an apartment with in the hotel.   It was just the reprieve we needed.

The kids got to witness how to handle conflict in a manner where we remain calm and kind even when the other party didn't do the same.

I will briefly explain that the owners were wanting to charge  us for things that were never mentioned in the emails or in the contract we signed so we felt we simply needed to leave.  If your gut instinct tells you something, it's usually best to listen.

The kids had a great day at the beach and we are so thankful to be where we are.

1 comment:

  1. God continues to watch over you.
    We are so thankful for your safety.
    Keep practicing His Presence...
    it's the pièce de résistance.
    You'll know what this means when you get to France or read Jesus Calling for today.
    Sending smiles your way.
