Monday, November 21, 2011


Ronda is a fabulous village known most famously for the birthplace of modern bullfighting. When your country is as old as Spain anything after the 1600's must mean the 'modern' age! The fighting season ends in September so we were going for the cobbled streets that would lead us to the Peurto Nuevo, 'new' bridge that was built in the 18th century and hangs over the El Tajo gorge.  The structure straddles the 100m chasm below.  We gasped at the unparalleled views out over the Serranía de Ronda mountains.

We accidentally came into the town through the backdoor but our mistake provided us with wonderful opportunity.  We walked through a very old neighborhood where we were met with a wonderful shop that boasted locally, handcrafted items.

Behind these doors lies an abundance of treasures....who would have thought!

Indi, Annie, Ireland and Mom

The region of Andalusia is also known for its white villages.

This street was lined with restaurants.

We were having a splendid day until we were hit with siesta.  These people take their naps very seriously!  We asked a shopkeeper what the hours were and his response was, "we open around 10 or 11 and then close at 1:30 and re-open around 4, or 5 or 6."

The whole family enjoyed Ronda and hoped to return a few days later but there was a down pour of rain.  Maybe some day we will return for a bull fight.

1 comment:

  1. Raleigh looks like he has grown up while you were traveling. Maybe it's because he looks so big sitting in front of that horse. :) What a difference from the photo of him in front of those huge cathedral doors. (He might be as tall as the door knob now!!) Love you guys.
