Friday, November 11, 2011

Valencia Science Museum

de les Ciencies Principe Felipe is behind us to the left
I love the idea of going to museums but no matter how exciting or interactive they are I feel like a walking zombie after 20 minutes.  Despite my feelings I decided to be a big girl and plan a trip to the Valencia science museum.  It is vast and within it's own little science city in Valencia.  We went through the interactive museum and there were three other science museums as well.  It was an amazing museum, like none other I had been in before.  We were entertained for several hours.

Two other science museums close by.

They had a huge section on super heroes.  We were wishing Chase and Ashton were with us.  They would have loved it. 

Raleigh made his own fun.

We came across a group of 50 older tourists and by the time we walked out atleast 15 of them were slouched in chairs sleeping.  Dennis and I were cracking up because they looked how we felt.


1 comment:

  1. What awesome opportunities!! Beats book learning any day :)
