Friday, September 16, 2011

Dad's Perspective

My favorite foreign country in the entire world is Switzerland—and it has been so since my first visit in 1981 and remains so on this fourth tour.  From the grass covered mountains to the mind-your-own-business political principles, Switzerland is an admirable nation.

Stay tuned this week as I take the family on an excursion I have only dreamed of and read about for a decade or longer.  This upcoming day trip is, in fact, one of my “bucket list” items—soon to be checked off.  There is no need to make a list unless you intend to check things off.  But first, a few notes on our arrival here in “heaven on Earth.”

 In a region deep and rich in ancient history, WWII was a relatively recent event which remains embedded into the memory of its aged citizens.  Youth of today have only the sights of those old, grayed movies that Bly has previously spoken and, if they listen closely, the recalling of actual events and stories as emotionally recalled by the precious few real people remaining that were a part of WWII right here in their homeland.

For 15 minutes near the end of this day Bly and I set down our bags as we unloaded the car to have an enlightening and spontaneous conversation with Karin. 
 Karin is the elderly mother of Fred, the owner of the home, who lives in one of three apartments in this wonderful old former watch making building. Karin, as a child of almost Annabelle’s age, survived the horrors of WWII.  After a little prying, she tearfully told us of her German family and her father’s three years in a Russian prison camp near their home in Poland.  She told us how she played joyfully with other children in her refugee camp, only now aware of her mother’s solemn and overwhelming responsibilities.  Tearing up, now great grandmother Karin walked away.

Karin’s husband suddenly died this summer while tending the dairy cows, leaving son Fred to handle the family business.  We will seek more stories and memories from Karin this week as her perspective may be more enlightening than any book or movie. 


  1. Love reading all your stories and can't wait for the next one!

  2. Well said Dennis!

